If you have expertise to contribute to any of these or the new ones highlighted below, then you can apply for membership.
The CIE has over 70 TCs working on new technical reports and international standards. If you have expertise to contribute to any of these or the new ones highlighted below, then you can apply for membership by sending in the CIE TC and RF Membership form and CIE Copyright Agreement form to CIE Central Bureau at ciecb@cie.co.at for the TC Chair’s consideration.
In this edition of the CIE Newsletter there is a call for additional experts to CIE JTC 6 (CIE-ISO) Energy Performance of Lighting in Buildings
All those who are expert not only in energy performance of lighting in buildings, but also in daylighting, integration of daylight-electric light and light control systems are welcomed to apply to join this CIE JTC.
And don’t forget the CIE Research Fora (RFs). RFs exist to facilitate ongoing knowledge exchange and research on a scientific topic or research area where there is insufficient completed scientific work to support the work of a CIE Technical Committee.
Currently the CIE has three RFs and if you are interested in joining one of these then fill out the form linked above and send it to us at ciecb@cie.co.at for follow up.