This CIE Tutorial has been developed to support the understanding and proper application of CIE S 026.

It is expected that an outcome for participants at this tutorial will be clarity on how light can be quantified and assessed for its ability to achieve important biological effects relevant for human health, performance and well-being, without depending on visual images – in this way the sub-title for this tutorial is “Methods and principles to define light for responses beyond vision”.

Light is the main synchronizer of the human biological clock. It can shift the phase of the circadian rhythm and can regulate the timing and quality of our sleep. Light in the evening and at night can be disruptive for sleep and cause acute suppression of the nocturnal release of the hormone melatonin. There are also reports that light can increase heart rate, improve alertness, alleviate seasonal and non-seasonal depression, influence thermoregulation, and affect the electroencephalogram (EEG) spectrum. Exposure to light elicits fast responses (i.e. in the range of milliseconds and seconds) in the pupillary reflex or in brain activity. However, lighting standards, regulations and practice often focus on visual and energy efficiency aspects of light without considering the many non-image-forming responses to light.

The focus of the tutorial is the implementation of the new international standard CIE S 026:2018 in lighting metrology, design and applications. Invited experts will present lectures that explain the basic concepts of the newly defined CIE metrics and quantities, discuss their implications, and provide practical examples for various application contexts, such as workplaces, schools, hospitals and elderly (care) homes. Tutorial participants will learn how to quantify optical radiation for its ability to stimulate each of the five retinal photoreceptors (three cones, rods and melanopsin-containing ipRGCs) that can contribute to the non-visual responses to light, and how these responses affect people’s health, functioning and well-being.

The tutorial and workshop will be held at the Signify Headquarters on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, NL.
Information for the Tutorial (links will be added to the points below as they are made available:

For this Tutorial and Workshop the participation numbers are restricted, so early registration is highly recommended.

Registration for the event will open mid-December, with early registrations closing February 7, 2019. The standard registration rates will be available until March 7, 2019 – there will be no on-site registration available.

If you are interested to register for the tutorial and workshop you can send an email to:, you will then be notified as soon as further details about the programme, speakers, and registration are available

CIE wishes to thank the hosts and local organizers of this tutorial,Ms Geertje Hazenberg and Ms Annette Steinbusch.

More information.

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