EPIC is extending its online technology meetings program with new exciting topics, including quantum communication, datacenter interconnects, medical devices, photonic IC testing, robotics, pharma processes and many more.
To leverage the full potential of online, and to continue supporting our community in developing relationships and making new contacts, EPIC is pleased to organize the PHOTONICS+ Virtual Exhibition and Conference on 17-18 February 2021 featuring over 300 exhibitors and 10.000 visitors.
See below the current upcoming online event schedule.
For the latest overview, please visit EPIC website.
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Datacenter Interconnects (in cooperation with COBO and EA)
Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 16:00 CET
The big data era drives interconnection schemes to have low cost, higher energy efficiency, and higher bandwidths, with optical links needing an upgrade to 400Gb/s in the next few years. In this meeting, the needs and expectations for the future manufacturing of photonic devices such as optical switches, transceivers and fiber technology will be discussed.

EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Water Quality Monitoring and Purification (in cooperation with IUVA)
Monday, 9 November 2020, 15:00 CET
Photonics sensors have a huge potential for water quality monitoring, which is a fundamental tool in the management of freshwater resources. This meeting will discuss the technologies available for real-time and direct monitoring of quality factors in water, including purification, pushing collaborations between component manufacturers, system integrators and users of the technology.
EPIC Online Meeting on The Impact of COVID-19 on Recruitment
Tuesday, 10 November 2020, 16:00 CET
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all industries but some more than others. How about starting to build your talent community, to react fast when having layoffs, only a few available positions, or getting more open applications? Let us get into a dialogue with the leading HR companies of the EPIC network to discover new potentials and finding solutions for promising challenges.
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Quantum Communication & Quantum Key Distribution
Wednesday, 11 November 2020, 15:00 CET
Quantum communication and QKD for a highly secure data transfer is shifting from being laboratory-based scientific research to an indispensable tool in various fields going from networking to banking and ADAS. We will gather the key players in the industrialisation of quantum communication technologies with innovative and visionary end-users and create business opportunities in this fast-growing industry.
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on PIC Testing
Monday, 16 November 2020, 15:00 CET
Current challenges in Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) product manufacturing are related to the development of testing processes and tools for large scale production. This meeting will join equipment builders, companies developing testing processes, and users claiming for testing services and machines. Click to know more…
EPIC Online TechWatch on Laser and Photonics Applications at COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM by IVAM
Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 10:40 CET
Laser technologies are enabling the development of new tools in the medical sector related to fast diagnosis and process manufacturing. In this TechWatch, the last developments in medical lasers will be presented together with the most exciting applications.
EPIC Members New Product Release
Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 16:00 CET
The EPIC Members New Product Release will be a combination of an online meeting with qualified attendees, and a live launch on YouTube for everyone to see. Several companies will release their latest products and will have the opportunity to engage with potential partners, clients, and the complete EPIC network!
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on 3D Sensing
Monday, 23 November 2020, 15:00 CET
Stereoscopic depth sensing means capture the world as a human perceives, allowing understanding and positioning in the surrounding scene. This meeting will gather 3D sensor technologies such as LIDAR, ToF cameras, structured/coded light challenging the manufacturers with the end-user requirements for current and future applications. Click to know more…