The New Circular Economy Action Plan published in March 2020 announced that a Legislative proposal for a Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI) will be presented in 2021.

The New Circular Economy Action Plan published in March 2020 announced that a Legislative proposal for a sustainable product policy initiative will be presented in 2021 in order to establish sustainability principles that aim to improve, amongst several aspects, the durability, reusability, upgradability and reparability of products as well as to address the presence of hazardous chemicals and increasing recycled content in products to name a few.

Date: 4 June 2021
Time: 10.00 to 11.30 CEST

Register for the panel discussion


  • Paolo Falcioni – Director-General, APPLIA Home Appliance Europe
  • Stéphane Arditi – Director of Policy Integration and Circular Economy, European Environmental Bureau
  • Jérôme Pero – Secretary General, Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry
  • Matjaz Malgaj – European Commission
  • Member State Representative – to be confirmed

Moderator: Ourania Georgoutsakou, Secretary General, LightingEurope

This debate, organized by LightingEurope, brings together representatives of the European Commission, National authorities and of industry and civil society to discuss the Sustainable Products Initiative and its implications for Directive 2009/125/EC on Ecodesign requirements for energy-related products

Panelists will be invited to share their point of view on;

  • the impact of this new legislative framework on the existing ERP product-specific legislation and on the non-ERP current regulatory setting
  • how to structure the process in a way that ensures a wide stakeholder involvement from the onset
  • the setting up of the Digital Product Passport: how to consider the specificities of the ERP and non-ERP products and their current obligations as well as lessons learnt from other existing databases such as EPREL and SCIP
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